Call for papers
Biodiversity informatics (application of ICT to biodiversity conservation)
Bioinformatics and biocomputing
Bioinspired artificial intelligence
Bioinspired big data analysis
Bioinspired electronic and computational devices
Bioinspired high performance computing
Bioinspired image and sound processing for health and life sciences
Bioinspired machine learning
Bioinspired materials and biomimetics
Bioinspired robotics
Bioinspired social network analysis and modelling
Bioinspired pattern recognition and classification
Bioinspired signal recognition
Computational systems biology
Computer-related genomics and molecular structure, function and evolution
Computer-related issues regarding structure and function of DNA and RNA, and interaction of proteins
Dynamic models of metabolic, signaling and gene expression networks
Evolutionary systems
Review and publication of papers
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library according to conference #56202, 2022 4th International Conference on BioInspired Processing (BIP), subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
"Single-blind review with at least two reviewers per submission. All accepted papers must be registered to BIP 2022 (at least one author).
English is the official language for submission of proposals and communications.
The maximum length of the article will be 6 pages, with a minimum of 3, following the IEEE conference template. To define these parameters, IEEE members were consulted and their policy stated that IEEE promotes a maximum length of 4 pages in conferences, however, this is not a strict requirement. Therefore, it was decided to define a range around this recommendation. The base IEEE template for conferences will be used:
Papers must be submitted through the following Easychair system link
Please bear in mind that an Easychair account is necessary to proceed. In case you do not have one, free signup is available here:
Accepted conference papers will be also eligible for publication of an extended version on a Special Issue of the journal Computation
Computation is a high impact factor open source journal. Selected papers from BIP fourth edition conference, will be fee waived within this special issue.